Fruits of Fellowship Within

Scripture Reading - 1 John 1:3 KJV

That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

When the word “fellowship” is used many people don’t think too much about it because it is an old English word. This word “fellowship” basically means a partnership, or literal participation with another or others, or social interactions, or communication or having communion with someone. We (ihlcc) like a more practical description of the word “fellowship” being derived from the thought of long hours of being together with the same fellows on a ship. This type of meaning would indicate that you know the person next to you on the ship very well because you spent a lot of close time together talking about your life outside of the sea. The thought of “fellows on the ship (fellowship)” is that you not only would spend a lot of time together but you would also know that individual better because you would see them as they are. This is because when people are traveling together on the sea they will be tested, tempted and tried and thus the true nature will be revealed. Moreover, when people are shipmates they will not always be on their best behavior, nor will they always look their best. This is exactly how we should be with God. When we (ihlcc) are discussing the specific topic of the “Fruits of Fellowship” we are thinking about your “fellowship with God”. Yes, when you spend time with Jesus He will instruct you on pertinent truths that will inspire you to be more like God. His Words of Truth are not only thought provoking but they are life changing (altering) concepts that can make a blind man see. Yes, both physically literally speaking and spiritually speaking when it comes to giving light (understanding) in an area you knew nothing about (darkness, void of knowledge and understanding). Therefore the “Fruits of Fellowship” should yield a positive result. Many people pray to God on a regular basis but that does not mean that they are spending time fellowshipping with Jesus. Yes, many religions will boast of praying several times a day but without knowing God intimately through “fellowship” it profits nothing. Yes, there are even some religions that value there message of God over the actual experience of knowing Him personally because that is beyond their imagination. Yes, we also know of certain Christians who think the time you spend in prayer determines your dedication to God. Although this statement could be true it is not the sole requirement of God because many, we (ihlcc) will repeat, many people spend a lot of time talking to God in prayer but fail to give adequate listening time to God to hear from Him and learn of Him. We are specifically stating in this write-up that the “fruits of fellowship” with God will be obvious to those around you when you are truly spending time in His Presence. For example, we start with “fellowship” with Jesus by spending time in His Word and while you are learning more about God through revelations of His Word, for certain the topic of the Holy Spirit will come up and when He (as God too) comes up you will be instructed to manifest the “Fruit of the Spirit”. Therefore when we speak of the “Fruits of Fellowship” with God we are speaking of seeing two specific things operating in your life on a consistent basis. The first “fruit of fellowship” we (and other believers too) are expecting to see is an accurate knowledge of God’s Word. Although we will not be perfect in all our understanding of God’s Word we should at least be able to be in agreement of the basic truths of God’s Word, like Jesus died for our sins. We should have no quarrel about loving others as God loved (and still loves) us. It should be very easy to hold good godly conversation with those who truly spend time with God in His Presence about the goodness and grace of God. The second “fruits of fellowship” we are expecting to see in daily manifestation is the pure love of God. It is said, “Your resemblance of God is a direct reflection of your time spent in His Light”. This basically means the same fellows on the ship after a long period of time begin to look very similar, they tend to talk very similar (speaking the same language), yes, they even seem to smell the same. Why?, because the team (or group, or company) becomes one in due season when they spend a lot of time together exchanging themselves with each other. Spiritually speaking if you spend enough time in God’s Presence you will start to act like God acts. We (ihlcc) believe that is the missing key to our total victory in Christ upon the earth. Yes, many people can speak God’s Word because they do know a few scriptures but even the devil did that in Matthew 4:6 but very few people act just like God. Yes, we know that it sounds like a tall order to act like God but we must be willing to accept this challenge to our faith. The doers of God’s Word shall be blessed in their deeds (actions) not just the listeners to God’s Word. This is critical because it is this specific effort to act like God acts that challenges us to be better in everything we do and think and say. This has to be done on a consistent basis to have real impact on other people around you. Have you ever noticed that only when people genuinely respect you that they openly will listen to you. However, if you only speak about God but behave like those without God many will think you are a hypocrite, we (ihlcc) are also included with the group that thinks you are hypocritical. Therefore, it is good to speak God’s Word as your language of life but it is even more blessed to act like God so people can see God in action through the witness of your lifestyle. Ultimately manifesting the “Fruits of Fellowship” will allow you to not only to speak like God but also you will act like God by showing the “Fruit of the Spirit” (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance according to Galatians 5:22-23) and then you will (shall) reach a place where you are as God. This is the place where you are not just acting in God’s Love but rather you are purely distributing God’s Love outwardly and in your inward expressions of praise and worship to God. Amen! Tip: When you wrap the all-powerful seed of God’s Word in the pure covering of God’s Love you have a faster manifestation of God’s Completed works, full manifestation of God’s Fruit (His Promise) to finish (complete) anything you have need of right now in this earth and in God’s Heaven to come. However, this transformation can only take place when you spend time in God’s Word while at the same time spending adequate time in His Holy Presence (within the Holy Spirit) to inwardly birth the “nature (seeds) of fellowship” to outwardly live the “Fruits of Fellowship” for all to see (both God and your fellow man). People are hurting and dying all around us due to a lack of this fruit so go forth in confidence in Christ Jesus knowing that all Christians are called to manifest the “Fruits of Fellowship” in Jesus Name. So be it and so do it to the Glory of God in Christ Jesus. Amen!